Thursday, February 16, 2017

Happy 8 Months

How is our baby 8 months already! This past month Kylie has just exploded in milestones!
Just shy of turning 8mon she learned to sit herself up(2/12)and the BIG one SHE IS CRAWLING!! Yes Valentine's Day she got it and took off! It was so cute! There had a been a few times over the past week that she sort of inched herself forward as well! As of today she has mastered the speed part of crawling too and into everything! The gate for the stairs has went up! My word is it beyond cute but pretty crazy seeing that lil body crawling! Even cuter when she follows us now! She is also starting to make more sounds which we love...I can't wait to hear Mama or Dada for the first time! The weather has been beautiful for being Feb so we've gotten to get outside! She loves being outside already, the stroller and backpack carrier seem to be a like as well! I put her in the swing at the park the other day and she loved it!!
** She is also pulling herself up to her knees!
We are still trying out baby food and she is still working on mastering the spoon, sometimes she does great others she forgets to get the tongue out of the way! lol She likes pears,mixed fruits and oats,mixed veggies,carrots,sweet tater,squash and oatmeal with pears mixed in!
She still has a 5oz bottle every 3hrs...she loves to hit her bottle and lord does the girl move that head around everywhere while eating! Most time she'll take 3oz's and the last 2 playing around time for some reason! hahaha She also loves her sippy...loves sipping from it, hitting it on things and chewing on it!
Sleep....what is that??? Oh our girl still gets up once a night around 2-2:30a normally but could be anytime really! About once a week or two weeks she'll sleep all night but its rare! She is a very unpredictable little girl! And we'll be stuck with this until we get our room addition done! She doesn't nap very well either just cat naps about an hour at most normally! However its hard to get her in a routine if that's possible since we got to pick up bubby from preK!!
While Sleep is not her favorite, one day it'll be a memory once we're out of the fog! LOL
She's a very happy baby for the most part but when she wants to be heard all bets are off and she IS heard! Her smile and giggle melt you, listening to her giggle,coo and now start making chattering sounds is so fun and neat...she is one beautiful little girl! I think I've covered it all...

Birth - 4lb10oz & 161/2in
1month - 6.10lbs
2month - 8lbs and 19.5inchs
3month - 9.2lbs
4month - 10.3lbs and 22.5in
5months - 10.14lbs and 23in
6months - 11.14lbs and 23 1/4
7months - 12.11lbs and 24in
8months - 13.5 and 24.5in

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