Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Carving fun

Its time to carve the pumpkin's!!
What watching Kaylee's face as she dug in for the guts of her pumpkin, she thought it was slimmy and gross...trying to keep Kyle from eating the pumpkin which he loved...helping Kaylee draw her face out and then actually carve her pumpkin for the first time! They both had fun getting sticky...and mommy and daddy LOVES the memories of the day!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Cincinnati Zooboo Fun

Today we had a blast at Cincinnati Zoo...ZooBoo!
Kaylee was a beautiful butterfly and Kyle a lil word were they cute!
Kaylee got her a little candy and Kyle even got him a lil bag!
This time the animals weren't all that active but we still had a blast and loved going.
For the first time we did the Cheetah Run...AWESOME is what it was! First we saw a 15wk old baby goodness was it cute! Then we got to see the two adults race around the yard area after a was so neat to see how fast they are and to get a glimpse in person at what they can do! Kaylee LOVED LOVED LOVED it and even volunteered to be the know what the cheetah would chase! hahaha They of course we totally kidding when asking for help but Kaylee was totally willing to get out there! So cute!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


After lots of planning and decorating AND SECRET keeping...ITS PARTY DAY
Weeks ago Kaylee mentioned she would love a surprise birthday that's what she got! So with lots of help we pulled it off...a pony, crafts, games, lots of playing and, cake and presents....2hrs of FUN!!
The day went perfect and most of all the kids had a BLAST!!!
We were super lucky Missy was able to bring Precious...her miniature pony! Kaylee was in HEAVEN all day with Precious, she walked her all of the yard and rode her who knows how many times! Afterwards we did pin the tale on the donkey, then made foam picture frames for all the kids to take home! Followed by cake and presents....and LOTS of running around with those awesome smiles! Two of the fast hours ever I think!

We could not have ask for a more perfect and special 6th birthday for OUR perfect and special little Kaylee!

"telling her we are having a surprise party"

"and we reveal our decorated secret"

Sooooo cute and excited!

Guest list
Kegan and Lilly
Lily and Asher
Devyn and Caleb

And of course grandparents, Ceca and Jolie!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Russel Farms Field Trip

Today was Kaylee first field trip and bus ride!
I got to go too and loved volunteering. It was me, Kaylee and Bailey...inour little group!
Now the weather was too cooperative today but we still got to go and have some fun!
We went on a hayride, saw some of the animals and learn how the equipment on the farm works! Due to the lighting we had to leave a little early so we didn't get to do our craft but still got our pumpkins! Then back to school we went and I had lunch with my gal!

I absolutely LOVE being able to go on field trips and volunteer in class....this is all a dream come true for mommy!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Birthday Fun

Today we did our yearly trip on Kaylee's birthday to Stoney Creek Farms! We picked her up from school at is her birthday! Heading home first for a little doggie cake and then off we went for a day of birthday fun
We went on the hayride to the pumpkin patch and Kaylee picked out the best pumpkin! We all played on the big haystack,played in the blow up caterpillar and fed the animals.

After that fun we headed to Snapperz! Kaylee loved playing the games,playing the the bounce houses and slides and climbing around the huge climb toy!

We ended the day with presents and she loved it! She got her #1 pick which was a dream light...goodness was she happy when she opened it!

Happy Birthday Kaylee

Today Kaylee is 6 years old...

Our sweet baby girl is 6 today! And a beautiful,smart,loving and wonderful little girl she is!
She started Kindergarten 2 months ago and has blossomed so much....making several friends and winning over her teacher! She is learning to write,read and even some math. She always wants to know how to spell a word and loves to sit down at night for story time! She is the best big thoughtful,helpful,loving and sweet to her brother! Her favorite foods now are pizza,spaghetti,cookie crisp,honey bunches of oats and bacon. I know there is more too!

Animals are still her favorite thing to play with! The stuffed animals,beanie animals,plastic animals and so on take over our house! And of course she LOVES real animals of all kinds! Zoo's are a fav for us all as well as birding! Kaylee loves to see turkey vultures,cranes and eagles! She loves horses and cheetahs! She still says she's going to be an Animal it!

She's grown so much in so many ways.....We are so proud our little girl!

Sweet girl....mommy and daddy love you so much! You make everyday so special and happy for us!
Happy Birthday Cutie! Love you bunches and bunches!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy 10 Months

Wow our little man is 10 months old today.....and quite the little guy he is!
Kyle is quite the little funny guy, loves to be scared and gets a kick out of it! He adores his sister more and more every day..his face just lights up when she gets home or when he sees her after waking up. We love his smile and that cute goodness what a feeling it gives your heart! I love when he gets really sleepy now he'll lay his head on our shoulder. And the look he gives when told "no" is funny...he just looks like "really you won't stop me" and "look how cute I am"

Wow the milestones that Kyle hit the past month...he's been a busy boy.
He's crawling, sitting himself up, pulling up on everything, standing in his crib, eating some big boy foods and what a head full of cute hair he has!!
Food - 6oz every 3-4hrs still..most 3hrs! He likes oatmeal with applesauce, stage 3 baby food and still some 2's! He loves graham crackers,baby cookies and cheerios! He is quite the wild eater though....its quite a task to hold him and feed him his bottle...he's wild! hahaha
Sleep - He is sleeping pretty good! Some nights are quite off but we have made lots of progress! However now when he gets up we let him cry and calm himself...and he does!

Birth - 4lbs 12 oz 17 1/2 in
1 month - 7lbs 3oz 19in
2 months - 8lbs 11oz 20 1/4 in
3 months - 10.9lbs and 21.5 in
4 months - 11.13lbs and 23 in
5 months - 13lbs and 23-24 in
6 months - 13.13lbs and 24.5 in
7 months - 15lbs and 25 in
8 months - 15lbs and 25 in
9 months - 16.3lbs and 26 1/4 in
10 months - 16.6lbs and 27 in

Girl Talk begins

Tonight Kaylee got her first phone call from a friend...Alona! These two went to preschool together as well so they were quite excited to learn Alona lived just a few streets down! It was pretty cute listening to them chat and make plans....They have made plans for Alona to come over Mon...hehehe