Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The ickies hit Kylie...her first icky

Kylie got the stomach bug.....poor baby girl!
She had been spitting up starting in the morning a little, then by after noon she was puking entire bottles! I thought wow her reflux is really bad today, then she didn't seem interested in eating, this is not like her....she eats every 3hr or less sometimes! By 6pm she hadn't keep any of single bottle about 8:30p she just started actually vomiting...what a very heartbreaking sight with a 5month old! By 9:00 we decided to just take her to the ER and make sure she wasn't getting dehydrated! She's only 5month anyway but add on that she a little peanut, she needs all the calories she wasn't taking! She and I went to the ER, she had no fever but was still vomiting! They hooked her up and all was good with vitals(She is smiling lots at the point) then they did a urine test to check for infection and hydration...thankfully no infection and she was good on fluids even with puking all day! They gave us some Pedialyt and home we went! Its crazy that such a lil gal can vomit, not eat, feel icky but still give that big sweet smile!
We got home daddy gave her a little pedialyt and then we got her to sleep....She slept all night and it still sleeping now at 7am! Thank goodness she keep a little fluids down and had no vomiting all night...hope today is better and she can handle a little bottle at some point!

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