Kyle is now climbing the stairs, cruising everything and LOVING it! We try to put items in front of the stairs but he has found he can just climb over and up the stairs he goes! He's found the cabinets..opens and closes them over and over, pots and pans..loves the noise he can make and thinks the lamp and night light are pretty neat...he will not leave them alone!
He is saying moma all the time now, dada and baba(a few times)
Sleep hasn't been a must for our little man lately. He's been getting up 1-2 a night and must have a bottle to calm his down! Maybe its teething again or just randomness for him! He's also been sick and uncomfortable....poor baby!
October 29th he got his first fever! Started around 102 and by the next morning it has spiked to 104...scary. Thankfully giving him bathes and meds brought it down! Finally after about 3-4 days his fever broke! Guessing it much have been a viral thing!
Eating...he loves! Sort of a snackin eater with his bottle...drinks a little and finishes it within the hour! He drinking 6oz every 4hr...give or take! He loves big boy foods now and wants anything we have! I've been baking sweet taters for him and adding cinnamon, oatmeal with applesauce w/cinn, baked chicken, spaghetti....and so on! Pretty much whatever we have we just modify for him and he LOVES!
Time to start trying milk he soon and work of drinking out of his sippy more!
Birth - 4lbs 12 oz 17 1/2 in
1 month - 7lbs 3oz 19in
2 months - 8lbs 11oz 20 1/4 in
3 months - 10.9lbs and 21.5 in
4 months - 11.13lbs and 23 in
5 months - 13lbs and 23-24 in
6 months - 13.13lbs and 24.5 in
7 months - 15lbs and 25 in
8 months - 15lbs and 25 in
9 months - 16.3lbs and 26 1/4 in
10 months - 16.6lbs and 27 in
11 months - 17.5lbs and 27 in
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