WOW over the past month Kyle has just exploded with new fun!
He is sitting up great now and so close to getting himself to sitting position.
For the past week or so he's been trying to crawl..its so cute but right now he's just pushing himself backwards. He did learn just a day ago he could pull himself forward a bit to get what he wants. Speaking of getting what he wants...he is all over the place rolling now...on second he'll be right in front of us and the next we are looking for him..he'll be across the room!
His two top teeth have finally broke through a bit also...can't wait till they are all the way in.
Big milestone today...he started saying dadadada sooooo cute! He's jabbering so much and loves to yell/squeal! He will mock us if we go "aaaaaaaaa" he'll repeat with a yell/squeal..its so funny when he gets all fired up.
Food....he's eating good again! Since his surgery in July its been rough going! But I think we've turned a corner finally...those two little top teeth we believe have been the culprit to eating and sleeping! He is drinking 5-6oz bottles about every 25-32 oz. We are also getting back to some baby food..and trying to feed him when we have meals! We've been giving him finger foods for a few days now...he loves it! Graham crackers,animals cookies and those baby biscuit things! Also cheerios which we just tried yesterday for breakfast and he loved it...daddy soaked them in milk and let him practice picking them up and eating them! We'll give him mashed taters and foods that we can mash or that are soft for him!
Sleeping...huh that's been a crazy one! Again since July sleep has been crazy...its been like he's a newborn again! Up sometimes every couple hours and then he got to where he'd get up and then just want to play at 2am! We were feeding him each time he'd get up since that's all that would calm him! Finally last week we couldn't do it anymore and let him cry it out....he's old enough to be sleeping and we know he needs to sleep and learn to soothe himself to sleep. Thankfully it wasn't that bad and he's sleeping pretty good this weekend...hopefully it will continue!
Our little guy is so sweet...he loves his sissy and just smiles when he sees her! He loves to watch the dogs and cat still too! Loves to play peak a boo, be scared a little and to watch cartoons! Its so amazing watching him grow, see his funny personality and see how much of a firecracker he can be.
Birth - 4lbs 12 oz 17 1/2 in
1 month - 7lbs 3oz 19in
2 months - 8lbs 11oz 20 1/4 in
3 months - 10.9lbs and 21.5 in
4 months - 11.13lbs and 23 in
5 months - 13lbs and 23-24 in
6 months - 13.13lbs and 24.5 in
7 months - 15lbs and 25 in
8 months - 15lbs and 25 in
9 months - 16.3lbs and 26 1/4 in