Monday Kaylee practiced on her old little bike, we'd hold her seat as she tried to balance...O my what a workout that was. She really wasn't making much progress, we were killing ourselves and she would get frustrated! So Thursday Jason took her peddles off and practiced balance...our driveway wasn't working much we needed a hill! So we went to Morse Beach and she practiced going down hill a worked, she was learning to balance! She tried and tried and got better each time...before we knew it she was going around the entire parking lot with her feet up!
Yesterday she wanted to go out and Jason put her peddles back on, she got on the bike and just took off peddling....woohooo Kaylee's riding her bike with NO training wheels! So awesome and cute to watch her!
She is soooo proud of herself and we are SUPER proud of her!
And more energy needed...gotta love pizza!
Daddy had to show her how its done...hahaha
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