Wow 3 months...Our sweet girl is doing great now! She is smiling all the time now, giggled a few times and just started coo'ing a few days ago! She loves to coo after having her diaper changed, so dang cute! She is sleeping great at night still as long as she is swaddled and in her rock n play seat, she sleeps about 6-7hrs or more pretty consistently..wakes for a bottle and then almost always goes back to sleep! During the day she pretty much just cat naps unless we are on the go and she'll sleep in her car seat! She loves to be outside and warm, if she is fussy we just take her outside..walk her or just let her hang out in her bouncy seat! She is eating every 3hrs during the day and toward evening tends to want to eat every couple! We switched her formula a week ago and its been an amazing change for her! She went from spitting up all the time (whole bottles) fussy a lot and only eating 2.5-3oz but still being hungry....after a couple bottles she instantly wanted 4oz every time, she stated smiling a lot, being content and just a Happy baby....Huge difference! So she now eats 4oz every 3hr during the day! YAAAY She is reacting to us all the time, is recognizing when we are coming close to her and at night she seems to know when we put a sleeper on her it means a bottle is coming! We also stopped one reflux med and switched to another(zantac) which definitely seems to set with her much better! She loves her sissy and bubby! Kyle just can't not be touching her all the time, great except when she is sleeping! hahaha
Next month we are flying to Florida..we are nervous but so excited for our first family vacation to our favorite place! Not sure how sleeping will go in a small place but we'll figure it out! hahaha
****To kick off turning 3months Kylie slept 9-7a last night.. And she only woke because daddy was a bit worried at 7a ❤️ woohoo to our girl
Birth - 4lb10oz & 161/2in
1month - 6.10lbs
2month - 8lbs and 19.5inchs
3month - 9.2lbs